About Mt Cook School

Our values and vision

Mt Cook is a community where belonging, curiosity and creativity matter.

We work hard to make Mt Cook School a place where tamariki, whanau and staff feel like they belong. We want our people to be who they are and know that they are valued for that. Mt Cook School is a place where curiosity is nurtured and our tamariki are given the time and space to explore the world around them in creative ways.

Waewae Kai Kapua
Mana Tamariki

Who we are & what we do

Mt Cook is a diverse, vibrant inner-city school with a roll of around 260 tamariki. We have an engaged close-knit community, a highly supportive board of trustees, and a talented committed staff who care. From our central city location, we have easy access to the exciting and diverse activities the city has to offer.

Mt Cook School is committed to providing a warm, inclusive learning environment for all of our tamariki. We aim to inspire and promote curiosity, creativity and individual growth through academic, cultural and physical experiences and the development of social skills. We embrace playfulness and want our children to feel joy in their learning.

Our learning dispositions

We have identified curiosity, confidence, perseverance and adaptability as the learning dispositions that will strengthen our tamariki as learners and 21st century citizens. In and out of the classroom. We create and seek rich learning experiences that allow our tamariki to grow their capability in these dispositions.

Our team

Adrianne McAllister
Briar Hohua
Kaiwhakahaere ā Tari
Kate Ashby
Tumuaki Tuarua | SENCO
Tuakana Rohe Leader
Marije Knevel
Associate Principal | SENCO
Rosalie Hill
Kererū, Y0/1
Shona Fort
Pekapeka & Kererū, Yr 0/1
Kate Le Masurier
Pekapeka & Kererū, Y0/1
Rosa Conway
Mako, Y2
Myah Miranda
Kiwi, Yr 2/3
Anne Gordon
Takahē, Y4
Sarah Shore
Katipō, Y3
Lisa Wollner
Hoiho, Yr 4/5
Gina Newman
Senior Teacher
Tuatara, Yr 5/6
Sam Wilson
Manaia, Yr 5/6
Linda Martelletti
Kōwhai, Yr 7/8
Olivia Chrisp
Harakeke, Yr 7/8
Silvia Meijer
Learning Support Kaiako
Harry Fautley
CRT Release Kaiako
Beth Bryson
ESOL Kaiako
Lucy Black
Anna Matushkina

Simon Depree
Technology Team Leader
Hard Materials
Jason Cadwallader

Electronics/Design Technology
Louise Brownlee

Soft Materials/Sewing
Scott McGregor
Food Technology
Kelly McArthur

Design Tech
Nanaia Martin

Kaiako Māori
Sarah Beale

Teacher Aide
Asuka Milne

Teacher Aide
Swapna Kokkonda

Teacher Aide
Rachel Drew

Teacher Aide

Board of Trustees

Orla Carmody (Presiding Member)
Michelle Pawson
Stephanie Etuata-Taylor
Sou Hong Chea
Emma Coats
Kate Ashby (Staff Rep)
Adrianne McAllister (Tumuaki)


Our board meets Tuesday 7pm, Week 3 and Week 9 of each term.